We Are Not of Those Who Shrink Back William J. Barber September 29, 2019 Church Life, Politics, Revival This moment of moral crisis demands a call for revival.
Amazing Grace in the ‘Killing House’ William Paul Young September 17, 2019 General, Practical Justice, Theology You cannot sever justice from love.
Why Christians Leaving Churches Today May Be Christianity’s Best Hope for Tomorrow Peter Oliver September 5, 2019 Church Life, Theology We have become burdened and weighed down by traditions and rules that have nothing to do with loving God.
Faith Gone Wrong Timothy McMahan King June 19, 2019 Books, General, Theology Addiction is dangerous not because it always lies, but because it only tells a part of the truth.
How Jean Vanier Broke My Heart and Saved My Life Cathleen Falsani May 8, 2019 General, Global, Theology I am certain the only path to get there is love.
Telling the Truth About Ourselves Lee Ann Pomrenke May 7, 2019 Books, Church Life, LGBTQ+, Theology We need this book to tell the truth about ourselves.
American Christianity vs. Faithful Christianity Chris Ebling March 21, 2019 Immigration & Refugees, LGBTQ+, Peace & Nonviolence, Politics, Theology, Women Faithful Christianity confronts the power structure in pursuit of justice. American Christianity wields power to oppress others.
To Battle the Hate That Invaded Two New Zealand Mosques, Start in the Schoolroom Simran Jeet Singh March 16, 2019 Family and Parenting, Interfaith, Peace & Nonviolence Stand up for yourself and stand up for what’s right. But do that out of love. Not spite.
Arms Open Wide Alexander Burchnell February 18, 2019 Church Life, LGBTQ+ Growing up in the South as a queer person is very unique. You are constantly bombarded with words of hate, either from local church communities or strangers who feel they have the right to speak for God. It mak...
The Complete Life — According to Martin Luther King, Jr. John D. Barry January 21, 2019 General The full life, according to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.