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Embracing the 'Feminine Side' of God

There is a feminine side of God. I always knew this. Even before the feminist movement demanded that I use inclusive language to publicly declare this truth, I saw this side of God in the Jesus who approached ...
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When Love Trumps Right Belief

Each of us has directives we live by. The directive to love is at the very heart of most faith traditions, along with being the first and foremost standard to live by for many who do not profess a specific rel...
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Merry Christmas!

The moment I awoke this morning marked my 75th Christmas. Sometimes it's hard to believe there have been so many. Recalling memories of my childhood mixed with memories of my own two children on Christmas morni...
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Let's BE the Love of Christ

Every day I receive letters from individuals all around the world. Some of these letters speak of an individuals work for the kingdom while others highlight different missionary work. The majority of the letter...