This story starts with me being mad at a black man. Lenora Rand October 26, 2015 Practical Justice, Race 11 Part of my white privilege, I have come to see, is the privilege not to ask. Not to have to know.
Unlearning Whiteness Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove October 23, 2015 Practical Justice, Race 28 “How can we help?” hasn’t transformed us. But, “How can we find our way beyond whiteness?” is a question that gives me hope.
Why I Kept My Kids in Public Schools Sheli Massie October 21, 2015 Family and Parenting, General, Practical Justice 36 If we are not in the public schools advocating for children who have no voice, then how will communities ever change?
ISIS vs the Way of Jesus Carl Medearis September 11, 2014 General, Global, Interfaith 246 The way of Jesus is the hard way. Forgiveness, love, choosing to lay down our lives is the most difficult path in the face of real enemies. ISIS is real. But love is far more powerful.