A World of Lies When the Truth Sets Us Free Craig M. Watts July 27, 2020 Politics, Practical Justice, Theology A society will crumble if lying is not looked down upon and if people can’t be counted on to tell the truth the vast majority of the time.
Nationalism, Purity Culture, and Hijacked Christianity RLC Editor July 24, 2020 Christian Nationalism, Church Life, Politics, Women Ramsey says she works “solely with evangelicals to shed light on how Christianity has been hijacked by nationalism and white supremacy long before Trump.”
On American Exceptionalism Jon Huckins July 4, 2020 General, Politics, Theology What transpired that Sunday is nothing short of a bold display of American Exceptionalism. Which, to be clear, is idolatry.
White Christians, It’s Time for Us to Repent Tyler James Russell June 9, 2020 Church Life, General, Race Church, White Christians, we are not Israel right now; we are Rome.
What Lament Has to Do with Justice Anna Howard June 4, 2020 General, Race, Theology Without lament we don’t have a vehicle for repentance and we can’t move into shalom.
An Evolving Evangelism Luke Embree February 20, 2020 Church Life, General, Theology "Many are asking how the church can continue to influence culture. But this is fundamentally the wrong question."
Why I’m Still Evangelical in Spite of President Trump’s Evangelical Supporters Ron Sider January 18, 2020 Church Life, General I refuse to abandon a word that is biblical and has a wonderful history,
Burning Down the House Mick Pope January 10, 2020 Creation & Environment, Global, Practical Justice, Theology, Women We need to burn down oligarchy, and idols of power and control.
Facing the Church’s Complicity in Racism Lee Ann Pomrenke July 19, 2019 Books, Church Life, Politics, Practical Justice, Race Personal relationships with a “Black friend” are not enough to stop or to divert systemic racism and our complicity in it.
Hispanic Evangelical Group Offers to House Migrant Children in Churches Emily McFarlan Miller and Jack Jenkins July 2, 2019 Family and Parenting, Immigration & Refugees, Practical Justice You have to protect children.