In Honor of Persistent Women Elaina Ramsey March 31, 2017 Church Life, Practical Justice, Theology, Women Take a moment to honor the women—past and present—who shape every corner of our lives.
Learning to Love: The Gospel I Saw at the Women’s March Carol Howard Merritt January 23, 2017 General, Politics, Theology, Women 8 It is not too late to call out for justice and to love in public. It is not too late for us to do the things that Jesus taught us.
Gender Equality Can Win in 2016 RLC Editor October 31, 2016 General, Politics, Women 13 God is using the fact that a woman is running against a sexist for a leadership position to raise awareness about gender equality.
Becoming Truly Pro-Life Greg Dill August 1, 2016 Church Life, General, Theology, Women 20 If we’re honest with ourselves, the pro-life movement is really just about anti-abortion, nothing more.
War is Abortion: Why Pro-Life Christians Should Care About Gaza Brian Gorman July 31, 2014 Family and Parenting, General, Global, Peace & Nonviolence, Women 98 JULY 31, 2014 | BY: BRIAN GORMAN -- If there is one thing that most Christians of all denominations agree on, it is abortion. A 2012...
Now on the Red Carpet: Rachel Held Evans Margot Starbuck August 12, 2013 General, Theology, Women 11 Named one of Christianity Today’s “50 Women to Watch, ” Rachel Held Evans — the author of "A Year of Biblical Womanhood" — is a popular blogger.