War is Abortion: Why Pro-Life Christians Should Care About Gaza Brian Gorman July 31, 2014 Family and Parenting, General, Global, Peace & Nonviolence, Women 98 JULY 31, 2014 | BY: BRIAN GORMAN -- If there is one thing that most Christians of all denominations agree on, it is abortion. A 2012...
Fight: “Erasing Hell” co-author defends nonviolence in a new book! Kurt Willems August 18, 2013 General, Peace & Nonviolence 36 AUGUST 18, 2013 | BY: KURT WILLEMS -- Preston Sprinkle, co-author of Erasing Hell (with Francis Chan), has written a book that ought...
Nonviolence for White People Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove January 5, 2013 General, Peace & Nonviolence, Politics, Race 8 BY: JONATHAN WILSON-HARTGROVE -- The longer I live and pray the more convinced I am that white repentance–white conversion...