taking the words of Jesus seriously
Editor’s note: Singer/Songwriter and participant of the Red Letter Christians Artists and Musicians Collective, Paul Demer, recently released a new congregational worship song entitled “Love for Enemies.” Read about it and watch the lyric video below!


I originally wrote “Love For Enemies” for New Braunfels Presbyterian Church (USA) in the Texas Hill Country. I was coming through on tour, playing a concert and doing some guest worship leading. One of the lectionary passages for that Sunday was Luke 6:27-38. After some searching I realized that I didn’t know many songs based on that passage, so I decided to write one. We strive to love our enemies because Jesus loved us “while we were still sinners.” This is such an important part of Christianity, but it’s so hard to actually live out, especially in an election year! As we seek to do justice let’s not forget to love kindness and walk humbly with our God, even in 2020. They will know we are Christians by our love.
Your rain falls on the wicked ones 
And those seek your way 
Your kindness waters all of us 
Who grow beneath your grace 
You lend without a hope of gain 
And give to all who ask 
Your love is not a scarcity 
Your mercy holds us fast 
You reached across the great divide 
In drawing near to us 
Teach us to cross our battle lines 
And face our foes with love
To love the ones who loved us first 
Is fine and commonplace 
But love that asks for nothing back 
Reflects the Father’s face 
Then let us to practice charity 
And lay our judgement down 
Till enemies are understood 
And empathy is found 
You found us when we lost our way 
Recalled when we forgot 
When we were foes you sent your Son 
To be all that we’re not

About The Author


Paul Demer is a singer-songwriter, record producer, worship leader, and outreach musician. Paul connects with diverse audiences in living rooms, bars, churches, nursing homes, and hospitals in his hometown of Dallas, TX, and across the country.

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