Why Trump — Not Jesus — Is at the Heart of White Christian Love for Kanye Andre Henry October 30, 2019 General, LGBTQ+, Politics, Race We know what a great sin it is to question white America’s innocence.
Is Jesus King of Kanye’s Bank Account? Shane Claiborne October 29, 2019 General, Politics, Practical Justice, Theology What’s just as important as the lyrical content of Kanye’s album is what he does in the wake of it.
Taking Love Out of the Statue of Liberty Craig M. Watts August 15, 2019 Immigration & Refugees, Politics, Theology The best of America is under assault by the Trump Administration in the name of making America “great again.”
The Grace of Red State Christians Angela Denker August 9, 2019 Books, Church Life, Immigration & Refugees, LGBTQ+, Politics, Theology, Women Grace, for American Christians and for all of us, is a difficult thing.
Why One Cannot Follow Jesus and Support Trump Michael Kimpan July 18, 2019 Church Life, Immigration & Refugees, Politics, Race Jesus wasn’t pulling any punches. Neither should we.
Onward Christian Soldiers Chris Ebling July 4, 2019 Church Life, Politics, Theology Attending church services around the 4th of July always makes me uneasy.
What Red Letter Christians Can Do When Political Talk Becomes Difficult Tony Campolo May 25, 2019 Creation & Environment, Immigration & Refugees, Politics, Practical Justice, Theology Red Letter Christians need to step up and get people on both sides of political discussions to listen to each other.
How American Exceptionalism & White Supremacy Reveal the REAL State of Our Union Randy Woodley February 7, 2019 Politics, Race Any claim to greatness was built on the backs and the blood of people of color.
The Great American Heresy Ashley Darling February 1, 2019 General, Politics, Race, Theology Another consequence of the myth of a Christian nation is the worship of the past.
Truth in the Mirror: White America’s First Encounter with Indians Randy Woodley January 22, 2019 General, Politics, Race In actuality, I believe truth is the victim of this story.