Truth in the Mirror: White America’s First Encounter with Indians Randy Woodley January 22, 2019 General, Politics, Race In actuality, I believe truth is the victim of this story.
Catholic School Apologizes After Clip Emerges of Students Mocking Native Americans Emily McFarlan Miller and Jack Jenkins January 20, 2019 General, Immigration & Refugees, Race “They’re just responding to a president that is giving license to racists and bigots who have no place in our society."
Converting the Missionaries Among Us: Lessons from Jesus in Luke 4 Randy Woodley December 18, 2018 Church Life, Race, Theology "Problematizing the Indigenous is a Western obsession”
Missions & the Mythology of Western Christian Supremacy Ryan Kuja December 5, 2018 Church Life, Global, Theology Unlike Stetzer, I see no reason to valorize Chau.
Breaking the Bonds of White Silence Elizabeth Behrens October 19, 2018 Church Life, Practical Justice, Race When it is said that white silence is violence, it is not hyperbole.
Facing Our Addictions to Weapons & White Supremacy Brian McLaren May 30, 2018 General Any of us familiar with the addiction recovery process know that until we overcome our denial, we still haven't hit bottom.
Stay at the Table: James Cone, Racism, & American Evangelicalism Peter Heltzel May 1, 2018 Church Life, Politics, Race, Theology When white evangelicals stay at the table with Christians of color, a brighter day will dawn in the evangelical world.
How Jesus Saves Us from Slaveholder Religion RLC Editor and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove March 26, 2018 Books, Church Life, Family and Parenting, Politics, Practical Justice, Race, Theology More and more I realize that reconstructing the gospel is, first and foremost, about knowing which Jesus we follow.
The Little Big Differences in Christian Nationalism Craig M. Watts February 14, 2018 Books, Christian Nationalism, Immigration & Refugees, Politics, Race, Theology Nationalism is like racism. "America First" is no better than "White People First."
Calling the Bluff on White Jesus Rebekah Devine December 22, 2017 General, Immigration & Refugees, LGBTQ+, Race, Theology 12 If you haven’t noticed, white Jesus is usually the only Jesus in town. If you dig, you can find other images of Jesus, but it’s hard. If that isn’t a symbol of white supremacy, I don’t know what is.