The Mark of Cain: On Who Deserves to Live Morf Morford November 10, 2021 Global, Peace & Nonviolence, Theology Killing in the name of God should be the ultimate oxymoron – the most extreme self-canceling, obvious-to-all contradiction.
The Wrong Debate: On Alabama’s New Gas Chamber Chris Brown September 14, 2021 Peace & Nonviolence, Politics, Practical Justice As states grapple with how to resume killing, the only debate seems to be over the method.
Will Grace Prevail as Tennessee Execution Looms? Shane Claiborne May 9, 2019 Peace & Nonviolence, Practical Justice, Theology No one is above reproach. And no one is beyond redemption.
The Rapes and Hangings in India: the Tragedy of Us and Them John Watson June 29, 2014 General, Global 16 JUNE 29, 2014 | BY: JOHN WATSON -- Rape is endemic in India, with a reported rape every 22 minutes. Add to that the unreported rapes...
Your Dead Kids Morf Morford June 12, 2014 Church Life, Family and Parenting, General 48 JUNE 12, 2014 | BY: MORF MORFORD -- “Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.” - Joe the Plumber. I had always thought that...
Botched Oklahoma Execution Reveals Self-Deception Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove May 1, 2014 General 32 MAY 1, 2014 | BY: JONATHAN WILSON-HARTGROVE -- At 6:23pm on Tuesday, the state of Oklahoma initiated its effort to kill Clayton D...
The Murder Mystery Grinch Linda Martindale April 14, 2014 General, Global 6 APRIL 14, 2014 | BY: LINDA MARTINDALE -- Call me the Murder Mystery Grinch if you like, but I am already tired of the court...
HUGE NEWS: Glenn Ford released after 30 years on Death Row Shane Claiborne March 12, 2014 General, Race 54 MAR 12, 2014 | BY: SHANE CLAIBORNE -- THIS JUST IN… Louisiana Judge orders Glenn Ford to be released after 30 years on death row….
What Violence Should Feel Like John Watson January 14, 2014 General 11 JAN 14, 2014 | BY: JOHN WATSON -- Violence is clearly not a problem which is limited to law enforcement in the US. In 2009, the US had...
The Inexcusable Freedom of Irresponsible Gun Owners Craig M. Watts January 11, 2014 General 17 JAN 11, 2014 | BY: CRAIG M. WATTS -- The current level of “freedom” allowed for gun owners in many states gives far too much latitude...