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Reborn on the Fourth of July

Logan Mehl-Laituri grew up in a community that celebrated military service. His faith reinforced his love of country and his sense that that love was best expressed by fighting its battles. Then he went to w...
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Hungry for Virtue

Christian responses to The Hunger Games have run in one of two directions. Some see the trilogy as a powerful critique of violence and the role in plays in contemporary society. Others wonder whether refusing t...
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The Tale of Two Shootings

Back in the day, my college mid-term and final exams often had an essay question that began, “Compare and contrast…” We were asked to show our knowledge of what we had been studying by discussi...
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When You Can't Find Your Words

Trayvon Martin's parents attented the Million Hoodies March. Photo: It’s been almost a month since the slaying of Trayvon Martin. This particular African-American child was intentionally shot thro...