We cannot bomb our way to peace. What is imperative is that we don’t lose sight of the civilians and families whose homes and communities in Syria and Iraq bear the brunt of these never-ending proxy wars fought between the US, Iran, Russia, Turkey, and others.
New Testament Christianity produces an excess of grace and gratitude and empathy, but
religious nationalists do not demand radical change of the American way.
cialis salemala-Farming-300x196.jpg" alt="" width="270" height="176" />Mario Benedetti, the Uruguayan novelist and poet who best expressed the aspirations and dreams of the oppressed of Latin America, once...
Buy cialis soft onlinelt="" width="240" height="160" />In the buildup to the US invasion of Iraq, a haunting video got circulated of Saddam Hussein standing in a room of people who were giving him a standi...
We are all illegal aliens in the kingdom of God granted entry only by the amnesty of Christ’s blood. That is the strange foundational truth of Christianity. There is nothing I can do to get a green card that...
Whether it is in our passionate recitation from the one line of the one Martin Luther King speech we’ve actually read or the long clap that followed our now President’s suggestion that “There’s not a black Amer...