"Tony, that car is getting closer, " said my travel companion to me. "Tony, Tony, TONY!" I swerve to miss the cars bumper as it catapults off its owner and lands about ten feet in front of the car I am direc...
Few things generate more controversy among Christians than political differences (though doctrinal differences are a close second!). With last nights repeal of the "Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" by a vote of...
Gandhi once told Rufus Jones, the Quaker theologian and missionary to India, that Christians were "so unlike" their Christ. The good news is that there is a growing movement emerging across America (which goe...
I remember the 1950s and 60s well. For me the Civil Rights era took place when I was in college and slightly after I graduated. In my small apartment I would frequently turn the radio on to hear stories of pr...
In Luke 16:19-31, we read the story that Jesus told about a certain rich man and a poor man named Lazarus who had lain suffering with hunger and a diseased body just outside of the rich man’s house. Jesus tel...
Lately, I have been reading and hearing many stories of pastors and leaders of the faith going public about their doubts and unbelief with regards to the faith they have been preaching for a living for their e...
Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake. An event that brought devastation and chaos to a nation that seemingly cannon catch a break.
At last count there were 9, 943 faith-based organiz...
Being a Christian author and speaker, you often get asked the question, "How did you become a Christian?" Over the years I have had this question asked to me more frequently than I eat. However, I have heard...
Darwin was a racist, and his racist theories have had an enormous impact on American thinking. In terms of science, Darwins account may be solid indeed. But value free? Nothing could b...
January 6 has long been celebrated as the traditional day of Epiphany, the day the wise men came to worship Jesus. Need I say more? We all know the story, or have at least seen the nativity, with the three w...