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Common Prayer for Communities

After several years of working with scores of communities, liturgy experts, artists, and musicians,  my brothers Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and Enuma Okoro are excited to announce that Commo...
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Never Ending New Years Questions

I have a good friend who, every New Year, likes to ask me, "What was your favorite part about this past year?" and "what are you most looking forward to about the year to come? Often times without much consi...
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Merry Christmas!

The moment I awoke this morning marked my 75th Christmas. Sometimes it's hard to believe there have been so many. Recalling memories of my childhood mixed with memories of my own two children on Christmas morni...
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Conspire Magazine

We Red Letter Christians have found a magazine that aligns with the teachings and beliefs of Red Letter Christianity, “Conspire Magazine”. It was created by Shane Claiborne and those who work with him at his o...
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Stop "Prostituting" Needs

Within our world no form of modern slavery may be greater than that of human sex trafficking. A good friend of mine, and fellow Red Letter Christian, Chris Heuertz, international director of Word Made Flesh,...
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Wild Goose Festival!

The Wild Goose Festival is in the spirit of Red Letter Christianity. As a matter of fact it is being coordinated by one of the Red Letter Christians speakers -- Garreth Higgens. Patterned after the famous Green...
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Let's BE the Love of Christ

Every day I receive letters from individuals all around the world. Some of these letters speak of an individuals work for the kingdom while others highlight different missionary work. The majority of the letter...