Comments on: Saying No to Extremism in NC & America Staying true to the foundation of combining Jesus and justice, Red Letter Christians mobilizes individuals into a movement of believers who live out Jesus’ counter-cultural teachings. Thu, 03 Nov 2016 13:37:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: ChristianHedonist Mon, 24 Oct 2016 21:29:00 +0000 I agree that there are false beliefs in evangelicalism abound. RLC have many of them in my opinion. I am not supporting conservatives necessarily. RLC does post untruths about conservatives a lot and never have to answer for it. As a Christian site I think being biased is ok but not with outright lies.

No religious person should be for forcing a religious belief on society. However, advocating for a position is different. If you can convince people to vote for policies that is how our government system works. If they violate peoples rights they do have the court system as we have seen to make it right. Jesus never talked about Rome much at all.

By: redletterchristians Mon, 24 Oct 2016 19:38:00 +0000 This comment has been edited for length.

By: D. Smith Mon, 24 Oct 2016 18:50:00 +0000 There is no hatred of the right here. I was reading about the fractured Evangelical movement because so many of us are questioning the new evangelical movement of say the last 30 years or so and the direction it has taken mainstream Christianity. I see a movement that we are now going back to the true meaning of what being a Christian is and the true traditions. Tradition I at least, were taught in my church and my childhood. Some say we should just let this divorce go through and say nothing else about it. That would be nice to do just that but when the right is using their brand of Evangelicalism and enforcing their, to me, “false beliefs” to influence politics, and policy on a local, state and national level…it becomes a large problem.

Regardless of procedure to raise the minimum wage, if the localities want to enact those laws because it’s good for the economy and the legislature doesn’t move heaven and earth to allow it, you still have a problem. Now another post on here you are questioning whether the governor should be blamed for 3,000 deaths. If he’s advocating the system that is killing them, we all are guilty!!! The health care system in the United States is actually one of the worst in the civilized world because of denying access to resources for our people especially the poor. It was something the ACA sought to remedy. They were definitely dying for lack of care before ACA, you can pull up the Congressional records of committee hearings for some real horror stories.

Virginia is just like North Carolina in that it did not expand Medicaid and YES people are still dying for the same reasons they were dying before the ACA was implemented because of lack of access to resources. And before anything is said to me about not having any business in NC politics, I have a lot of family in NC. But I also have someone in my household not able to get treatment because he’s not declared disabled, been denied, considered able bodied, even with Doctor’s reports and letters, is being denied medicaid. Lack of treatments and access to medicine in a timely manner has now crippled him permanently. Seeing that personally, I know there are people who are dying too.

Just because you don’t know these people, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Don’t even get me started on your myths about women…obviously you haven’t got a clue. But Dr. Barber’s group has been gathering the history and the stories of individuals about what is going on in the real world. I’m sure they can enlighten you and have you meet a few people.

Just like your perception of it’s not very much to go from 4% to 3% but in total dollar amounts it’s taking about millions of dollars being shifted from where it needs to be to where it doesn’t. Especially for any corporation not paying their workers a living wage and the cost of their employees are being shifted to having to rely on state and federal programs to exist. There are more passages in the Bible that speak against this than any other issue.You can cling to your hedonist ways but God is not mocked nor is he fooled. Those that call themselves the Christian right better wake up.

By: ChristianHedonist Sun, 23 Oct 2016 13:21:00 +0000 So governors are held responsible for 3000 deaths before the expansion was available? Nonsense.

Clinton supports late term abortion usually defined as greater than 20 weeks, 66% of the population and 80% of women do not support this. She is extreme. I have never seen a poll where 80% of Americans support abortion. Please provide that.

There is no wage gap. Show me where a woman makes less than a man that does the same job and has the same experience, Also your prejudice shows against rich people. They are all just greedy scumbags right?

Thanks for the insult.

By: Snoring Sat, 22 Oct 2016 12:21:00 +0000 Very good points

By: Bonnie Blue Crouse Sat, 22 Oct 2016 00:04:00 +0000 Actuarial science is pretty hard to refute. It has been proven time and again by comparing predictions with assessments after the fact and, yes, we do know how many deaths would result from denying people the Medicaid expansion. It was to save those lives that the ACA included the Medicaid expansion in the first place. Only Republican-led states refused the expansion, and a few of them changed their minds and accepted it once they saw what their stubborness was costing their states.

Clinton is no more extreme on abortion than the 80+ percent of the people in this country who share her view that government needs to stay out of a woman’s uterus. She is squarely with the vast majority of Americans on this so, no, you can’t call a more than 4/5 majority an extreme or even a fringe group. They, in fact, are the mainstream.

The divide and conquer strategy has been perfected in the South so we in N.C. know all about how it works. It has kept low wage workers divided against each other by race, it has kept men from advocating for equal pay for women, it has fooled the working poor into supporting tax cuts for billionaires and has convinced people with low net worth that they should oppose the estate tax – take note that it already exempts the first five million dollars of untaxed wealth that can go directly to the children of billionaires; they’re just greedy enough to want more, so they convince people who live in trailer parks that the estate tax is bad and they shouldn’t have to pay any at all.

There are other sites to post knee jerk denials. This one is for people capable of thought.

By: Snoring Fri, 21 Oct 2016 18:22:00 +0000 I don’t know good extremism is well…. Good

By: ChristianHedonist Fri, 21 Oct 2016 15:53:00 +0000 “But we have also seen how people who’ve been pitted against one another by divide-and-conquer tactics can come together across dividing lines in a Moral Movement for the common good”

So telling lies about people is not a divide and conquer strategy?

“Conservative estimates suggest that his decision has caused the unnecessary deaths of more than 3,000 North Carolinians.”

So this very serious accusation without any support? I doubt this is true, there is no way to know. Actually millions across the country are going to lose health care because of insurers dropping out of the exchanges because they can’t afford to stay. Many are increasing their rates as well. What good is $75 premium if you have a $10,000 deductible? That is not helping people.

“We must say no to extremism from the bottom of the ballot to the top.”

If you believed this you would not support Hillary. She is extreme on abortion, taxes etc.

By: ChristianHedonist Fri, 21 Oct 2016 15:43:00 +0000 “McCrory and the state legislature acted to override movements in cities across this state, some of which had secured the promise of local living wage ordinances.”

Not true. The only city that had a minimum $15 wage was Greensborough and it was for city and city contract workers only which is exempted in the bill. So they still have the minimum wage of $15 by 2020.

“He (Trump) called Mexicans “rapists”

He called some rapists not all. We do have illegal immigrants in our jails convicted of rape.

“refused to disavow endorsements from the Ku Klux Klan”

He did disavow David Duke and the KKK.

“He claimed that Obama only got into Columbia and Harvard because he was black.”

No again. Chris Mathews said that about Trump when Trump questions Obams’s grades because he would not release them. Trump never said those words.

“called the ACA “the biggest Affirmative Action in history,” as if it was only for African Americans”

I could not find this quote anywhere. Some proof please.

By: ChristianHedonist Fri, 21 Oct 2016 15:28:00 +0000 How much misinformation and outright lies can be in one post? Barbers hatred of the right is showing here. He assumes the worst without looking at the facts.

“McCrory and his state legislature have slashed taxes on the super-wealthy and corporations while at the same time raising taxes on the poor and middle class through hikes on gasoline, repairs and maintenance of automobiles”

The tax reduction on corporations is from 4% to 3% (Slashed?) due to an automatic trigger in an existing law due to the increased revenue from these taxes. These tax increases for repairs etc. are because income taxes are being reduced. Much of the money generated will go to poor counties in the state.

“McCrory and his colleagues have quietly barred local municipalities from raising the minimum wage, regulating working conditions, or protecting the safety of children in the workplace.”

The state constitution forbids municipalities to increase wages without the state legislatures permission same as with the working conditions etc. They are not forbidding cities to make working places safe but ensuring their safety by making them comply with the states requirements. This was in place before McRory took office. There are also exception in the law.
