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Open? Yes! Affirming? No.

I’ve been running into a lot of comments from friends across the blogosphere lately, revolving around the issue of how the church should respond to homosexuality today.  I write this response with ...
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I was sitting at the edge of my seat, anxiously waiting for Hybels to make his announcement. As a former Starbucks partner (the internal terminology used for employees) and manager, the cancellation of Howard...
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Shocked About New York Gay Marriage

I saw on the news the other day that on the first day of LGBT couples having the right to get legally married in New York, the New York City Clerks Office (NYCCO) reported that a record 659 marriage licenses...
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An Understanding of Radical Love

I am a Christian, so I know love. I know love because I am loved. Unconditionally. I know what love is supposed to look like and feel like. I know how I am suppose to love because Jesus invented the come-as-...