taking the words of Jesus seriously

Yes, you read that correctly.  I do not love gay people. I will sometimes say that I do, but to be honest I really don’t. They are nice people (the ones I know at least), but I just don’t love them. I have no particular reason not to, no gay person has ever harmed me, but I still just don’t love them.

Now that I’ve got your attention, let me explain.

In 1st John it says this about love:
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.”

So love is laying down your life for another. Love is putting another person above yourself. Love puts itself on the line. Love stands up for those who are being used, abused, taken advantage of, discriminated against, put down, and made fun of.

Related: The Christian Right’s Ironic Love for McConaughey’s Acceptance Speech

So yeah, I don’t love gay people.

Every time I don’t stand up and say NO when I witness discrimination, put downs, and jokes, I don’t love.  Every time I participate in a church that is not standing up for and inviting in the outcast, I don’t love. To the degree that I stand on the sideline instead of actively engaging in the act of love by laying down my life, I do not love gay people.

So this is my confession. My moment of repentance. Instead of sitting on the sideline and watching the battle, I want to stand in between. I want to be the voice for the voiceless. I will stand up and say NO when I witness discrimination, put downs, and jokes. I want to be the site where love takes place. Where I die, so others may live.

I will love gay people.

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