Where Does Faith Fit in Uncertain Times? Christian Piatt February 25, 2014 Family and Parenting, General FEB 25, 2014 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- Where does your faith fit in times of chaos and uncertainty? As a professional author...
When do you know something is a calling from God? Christian Piatt February 13, 2014 Church Life, General 11 FEB 13, 2014 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- It would be so much easier if God spoke to use through burning bushes or from boiling clouds, or even just sent...
Why the Grammys' Macklemore Weddings Were a Good Thing Christian Piatt January 31, 2014 General, LGBTQ+ 97 JAN 31, 2014 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- Lots of folks have been chattering about the mass wedding that took place in the middle of Macklemore's...
Five Ways to De-Commercialize Christmas Christian Piatt December 25, 2013 Family and Parenting, General 1 DEC 25, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- We’ve created a Christmas monster: a grotesque assemblage of pagan, Christian and capitalist...
My One (and Only) Duck Dynasty Post Christian Piatt December 23, 2013 General, LGBTQ+ 85 DEC 23, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- I’ve never watched Duck Dynasty. I didn’t even know Phil Robertson’s name until the whole media...
Following Up on the Mefferd/Driscoll Interview and My Blog Post Christian Piatt December 5, 2013 General 9 DEC 5, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- Never, in my wildest imagination, did I think that the thing I’d get the most criticism for in recent...
Mark Driscoll’s Plagiarism Witch Hunt Christian Piatt November 28, 2013 Church Life, General 21 NOV 28, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- Yes I know it is Thanksgiving. So maybe I am feeling a little bit more generous than usual. But...
Five Traits of a False Prophet Christian Piatt November 13, 2013 Church Life, General 42 NOV 13, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- False prophets always claim to have access to information you can’t otherwise access without them...
Be Annoying for God Christian Piatt October 18, 2013 Family and Parenting, General 7 OCT 18, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- Kids can be annoying. I know; I have two of them. The other day, my son saw an ad on TV for some...
Beer and Hymns: The Video Christian Piatt October 8, 2013 Church Life, General, Theology 34 OCT 8, 2013 | BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- We first enjoyed Beer and Hymns at Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina and HAD to bring that joy...