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On justice, marriage, and Obama

…because not quite enough has been said about this yet. If you’ve read a news magazine, been online or watched CNN in the past week, you know that May 9 President Obama finally came out and declared he was f...
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Wild Goose 2012 (VIDEO)

Over the past few months, the Wild Goose team and the staff at The Work of the People have been poring over video footage to create a highlight video from our debut year in 2011. While it’s impossible to repr...
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Ideas Have Consequences

Plato said ideas rule the world. All action begins with an idea. Paul said, "Take every thought captive to Christ (2 Cor 10:5). "Ideas have consequences and some ideas can lead to brutal outcomes. For example,...
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Love Wins

No, I am not submitting a belated entry into the heated conversation about Rob Bell’s latest book. I haven’t read Love Wins, so it would be inappropriate for me to enter the conversation. I do know, howeve...