3 Roots of Discrimination in God’s Church
You may be surprised what people deem as secular society is not where I’ve experienced the most discrimination as a person who is differently abled.
Todd Lollar describes himself as a slow-moving, slower-talking, speech-impeded, prolonged-achieving, mobilized- in-a- wheelchair, cerebral-palsied minister of the gospel—which makes him an effective speaker who inspires people around the world to follow Jesus passionately. He is strength through weakness personified. Todd is also the Hollywood-based executive director of the expanding ministry he founded, Mobilize Ministries . He received a Master’s in Biblical and Related Studies from Abilene Christian University. His service on campus ministries and to young professionals has led him everywhere, from inner-city streets to college dorm rooms to the streets of Rio de Janeiro to mobilizing Christ followers in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. Fueled by his burning passion to minister to people, Todd has traveled across the nation for two decades speaking the message of God’s Power In Your Weakness and Mobilizing Your Daily Missional Living. Todd’s testimony of God’s power being made perfect in weakness is displayed through Todd’s disability, cerebral palsy. Todd’s Amazon bestselling book, Weak Is The New Strong:God’s Perfect Power In You encourages and equips you to live by God’s power through your weaknesses, not despite them. God uses this disability by allowing Todd to connect with people. In turn, Todd connects people to Jesus.