It’s Time for a Grand Compromise on Religious Freedom and Contraceptives Thomas Reese December 6, 2018 General, Politics, Women Compromise has become a dirty word in American politics as we have become more polarized.
It’s Time for a Sexual Counterrevolution Tom Krattenmaker December 19, 2017 Church Life, General, Interfaith, LGBTQ+, Theology 10 What principles might guide a healthy counterrevolution? For Christians, the answer starts with the savior at the center of their faith.
How Abortion Covers a Multitude of Sins, Even Condoning a Pedophile Craig M. Watts December 8, 2017 Church Life, Family and Parenting, General, Politics, Women 14 So-called “values voters” in Alabama appear to be abandoning all values worth having in order to support Moore.
Why This Pro-Life Christian Does Not Support Banning Abortion Craig M. Watts October 25, 2017 Family and Parenting, Politics, Practical Justice, Women 14 The desire to control and punish women seems to be over-riding the desire to reduce abortions. This is deeply misguided.
Why the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision upsets women and men of faith Carol Howard Merritt July 3, 2014 Family and Parenting, General 276 JULY 3, 2014 | BY: CAROL HOWARD MERRITT -- The Supreme Court’s decision to side with Hobby Lobby is a setback for all women, but...
Sex, Pills and the Image of God Carol Howard Merritt January 4, 2014 General 45 JAN 4, 2014 | BY: CAROL HOWARD MERRITT -- Even in our Christian theology, we have a terrible tendency to reduce the complicated facets....
The Fallacy of Statements of Faith Christian Piatt June 18, 2012 Theology 69 A while back, I was applying for an editing job with a fairly prominent Christian media company, and in the application process, I was asked to sign a statement of faith. For those unfamiliar, this is a l...