Stressed-Out Anglican Priests Turn to Trade Unions for Support Catherine Pepinster September 2, 2019 Church Life, General Although it is a vocation, it is also a very difficult role.
Pope to Church: Bring Abusers to Justice Thomas Reese January 3, 2019 Church Life, Global To those who have abused minors, Pope Francis said, “convert and hand yourself over to human justice, and prepare for divine justice.”
It’s Time for a Grand Compromise on Religious Freedom and Contraceptives Thomas Reese December 6, 2018 General, Politics, Women Compromise has become a dirty word in American politics as we have become more polarized.
Father Brett Kavanaugh Would Be Suspended and Investigated Thomas Reese September 25, 2018 Church Life, Politics, Practical Justice The U.S. Senate should not make the same mistakes the church did.
Should Christians Support the rEVOLution? Joshua D. Ambrosius January 28, 2012 General 57 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul recently argued for a “Golden Rule” in foreign policy in the first South Carolina GOP debate. “We endlessly bomb countries, ” he said, “and then we wonder why they ...