Am I Not a Theologian, Too? F. Romall Smalls March 24, 2018 Church Life, LGBTQ+, Practical Justice, Race, Theology Theologians are important in all our lives. They are the researchers and scholars who write and lecture about the weighty questions we all — people of faith and no faith — contemplate and wrestle with.
Finding Truth Behind the Headlines Micah Bales May 24, 2014 Church Life, General 10 MAY 24, 2014 | BY: MICAH BALES -- "We must hold the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other." – Karl Barth. Every morning I wake up...
Honest to God, ourselves and others – A journey of dishonest theology (Part 1) Mal Green March 4, 2014 General, LGBTQ+ 3 MAR 4, 2014 | BY: MAL GREEN -- I had to prepare an introduction for a session on “Sexual/Gender identity and theology” as part of...