The Emergent conversation has failed…or has it? Alan Molineaux April 8, 2014 Church Life, General, Theology 56 APRIL 8, 2014 | BY: ALAN MOLINEAUX -- According to twitter it seems that the emergent church is dead; or at the very least terminally...
Honest to God, ourselves and others – A journey of dishonest theology (Part 1) Mal Green March 4, 2014 General, LGBTQ+ 3 MAR 4, 2014 | BY: MAL GREEN -- I had to prepare an introduction for a session on “Sexual/Gender identity and theology” as part of...
Follow Up: John MacArthur's Controversial 'Strange Fire' Conference Brandan Robertson October 22, 2013 Church Life, General, Theology 85 OCT 22, 2013 | BY: BRANDAN ROBERTSON -- I was overwhelmed by the response I received for my post last week which called out John MacArthur...
From 'farewell Rob Bell' to 'You're fanatic Charismatics' Alan Molineaux October 21, 2013 Church Life, General, Theology 68 OCT 21, 2013 | BY: ALAN MOLINEAUX -- John MacArthur has raised his voice in support of the idea that we can exclude others from the playground...
John MacArthur attacks the Charismatic Movement at 'Strange Fire' Conference Brandan Robertson October 19, 2013 Church Life, General, Theology 149 OCT 19, 2013 | BY: BRANDAN ROBERTSON -- If you're an Evangelical and you've been connected to the internet for the past few days you...