“Lord, place me … I want to be centered in thy will.” Mixed with the sounds of the iconic pioneer of New Orleans bounce music, DJ Jimi, these words, w...
Whenever white men have controlled women’s bodies on American soil, the men have benefited. Now, on the other side of Roe, it’s clear: the 40-year fight of my white evangelical brothers and sisters to end Roe was not about morality. It was about power. By ending Roe, they get it back.
To be clear, this appointment does not obliterate the president of his broader responsibility to the Black community. He still needs to raise the minimum wage and address housing insecurity, the climate crisis, student loan debt and voting rights. But the courts have been stacked with conservative white men for far too long.
Standing before the court, eighteen-year-old Fortune was born free and should have remained free according to Lord Baltimore’s 1681 legal turnabout. But of course the application of law is different from the law itself.
And so if we hold the virgin archetype up against Mary of Nazareth, we might be surprised by what we find. What if Mary’s virginity tells us not just about Jesus’ significance, but equally, about hers?
Even though I am not a climate scientist, I recognize that the climate crisis is an existential threat impacting all of creation. As a woman and a person of faith, I have a unique responsibility to act.