The Second Amendment offers neither the moral authority nor unlimited legal authority for gun ownership. It is time that Americans, and especially my fellow evangelical Christians, refocus the faith they have placed in that article.
AACC also cries out against violence perpetrated in the name of Christianity. We condemn the evasion of responsibility by churches and denominations that have historically perpetuated the social conditions for attitudes and perspectives that have led to the unequal, unjust, and ungodly treatment and murders of racialized minorities.
I desperately need for not one more presidential term, one more year, one more month, one more sermon, one more day to go by without the country and the church—filled with good, smart, and compassionate people—getting more creative about gun control. I desperately need for this litany to never be used by another community, another soul, ever again.
Here in the suburban South, new churches sometimes seem like a dime a dozen with many church plants meeting anywhere from shopping centers and warehouse buildings to schools and homes. Often these pastors s...