I love the Psalms because the conversations shared are raw, uncensored, uplifting, and reassuring. They model the brutal honesty we can boldly and saf...
The animated Disney film Wreck-It Ralph draws an interesting contrast between two leading characters: Felix and Ralph. In the arcade game Fix-it Felix...
Knowing how to respond to the current crises in Gaza and Israel is a challenging task. As a Christian, my call is to overcome evil not with evil, but ...
In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day – here is an excerpt on antisemitism entitled “We Theologized Hate” from Rethinking Life by Shane Claiborne. Rep...
135 Mennonites arrested in Washington Singing for Gaza Ceasefire
200 attend peace vigil while 135 arrested at Capitol
On January 16, 2024, hundreds ...
On January 22, 1973, the US Supreme Court decided in Roe v. Wade that a mother has the legal right to end her pregnancy up until the point at which th...