Comments on: Now on the Red Carpet: Isabel Castillo Staying true to the foundation of combining Jesus and justice, Red Letter Christians mobilizes individuals into a movement of believers who live out Jesus’ counter-cultural teachings. Thu, 27 Oct 2016 19:32:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Val Wed, 09 Oct 2013 21:16:00 +0000 I support these immigrants coming here and thriving however they can get here. Anyone who is brave and courageous enough to risk absolutely everything, including their very lives, for just the mere hope of a better life for them and their families have earned the right to be here in the land of the free and home of the brave, and should be welcomed with open arms.

I doubt Jesus would call anyone “illegals” These laws that are being broken are unjust, and must be opposed and overturned.

You want to push things like Leviticus in the faces of LGBTQ people, well here ya go Frank. Back at ya, baby.

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him
wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native
among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in
the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

Leviticus 19: 33-34

By: SamHamilton Wed, 24 Jul 2013 23:51:00 +0000 I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re saying here.

By: 22044 Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:48:00 +0000 By the way, since someone from Canada posted some thoughts here, I’m genuinely interested in what Canada does.
Canada’s regulatory policies and environment has been suggested to be friendlier to businesses to grow or start than the United States, according to at least one reputable study.
I’m wondering how Canada accepts immigrants. Is it a generous or restrictive policy? Who is allowed to work or attend school there, and who may become a citizen?

By: Frank Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:53:00 +0000 Well that’s good to know. So then people shouldn’t be hypocritical and be accusatory towards gun owners, those challenging Obamacare or businesses that refuse to serve gay couples. Of course we know the hypocritical left will still complain “its only when we fight against the laws we don’t agree with that we are being Christlike.”

By: Drew Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:42:00 +0000 The tension is between Romans 13 and still following Jesus and His commands. Obviously, carrying out the Great Commission trumps any man-made laws. However, I cannot find a “command” for illegal immigration.

“Hoarding for ourselves” is not the primary reason immigration laws exist. It is for the safety and welfare of the country. “Undocumented citizen” is also doublespeak; there is no such thing.

By: SamHamilton Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:36:00 +0000 Frank,
That’s up to each of us to decide. As Christians, we should look at the Bible and Jesus’ teaching and decide what human laws go against God’s law. We should also consider what would happen if everyone broke the law we intend on breaking and whether would we want to live in that type of society. However, we should also be prepared to face the consequences for our actions (prosecution, jail time, etc.)

If you think that a law preventing the ownership of automatic weapons or that requires you to make a cake for a gay wedding conflicts with God’s laws then I would argue that you are right to break those laws and be prepared to be go to jail as a martyr to justice.

By: Michael Mon, 22 Jul 2013 22:59:00 +0000 There’s already a way for people to become US citizens. It’s way to hard, and this needs to be fixed. But no one seems to care about the people working in the U.S. on a visa for years before they can even hope to even get a green card (more less citizenship). When Democrats start caring about them then I might start to believe they care about the “undocumenteds.”

Also, what happened to “Hitler in Heaven?” also posted today.

By: LInda Mon, 22 Jul 2013 22:51:00 +0000 I smuggled bible’s into Vietnam 20 years ago when it was against the law. It is against the law to own a bible or be a Christian in many countries in the world. Yet Christians are breaking many laws while they obey God, rather than man. I guess some laws are up for discussion and possibly meant to be broken. Borders are man made and I would have to say that North American borders are questionable considering the bloodshed and unethical practices that went into forming them. I have my doubts that Jesus supports a protectionist attitude. I don’t know that there is a place for Christians to be righteously indignant at the lawbreaking done by undocumented citizens to attain a better life that we so greedily hoard for ourselves.

By: Drew Mon, 22 Jul 2013 22:04:00 +0000 I find it odd that you want to be intimately involved in U.S. politics yet do not want to be associated with U.S. politics. But that is besides the point.

I agree with you that the process is broken. However, I don’t think the solution is to reward folks that broke the law. How about all the folks that are following the process – where is the justice in that? What prevents folks from breaking the law in the future, hoping that the law is changed again to “grandfather” them in?

Besides the clear Biblical command that the law should be respected (Romans 13), which you clearly write off, the fact is that folks who break the law should not be rewarded over those that followed the law.

In any case, I do agree that immigration is broken, and hope that the laws are changed, and support the efforts to do so. That is where we completely agree.

By: Frank Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:21:00 +0000 Well maybe a little. I just think that if you are doing something wrong its hard to demand something or complain about it. It was less about her personally than about the system.
