Why Jesus Followers Should Be Prison Abolitionists Catharine Grainge November 14, 2019 Immigration & Refugees, Practical Justice, Race If Jesus were alive today, I think he would be a prison abolitionist.
What Should Churches Do with Questioners? Jen Zamzow June 22, 2019 Church Life, General, Practical Justice There are a lot of people who feel like spiritual outsiders, not quite sure where they fit.
While It Was Still Dark: A Requiem for Rachel Held Evans Nadia Bolz-Weber June 3, 2019 Church Life, General, Theology, Women Mary Magdalene’s life, Rachel’s life, your lives — we are all fodder for God’s really really long memoir of how God loves humans.
Remembering A Woman of Valor: 4 Gifts Rachel Held Evans Gave Us Katelyn Beaty May 4, 2019 Church Life, LGBTQ+, Theology, Women Along the way, she helped many readers stay tethered to faith when they wanted to bolt.
How Conservative Evangelicals Misunderstand Millennials Brandan Robertson April 5, 2014 Church Life, General, Theology 255 APRIL 5, 2014 | BY: BRANDAN ROBERTSON -- Yesterday morning, an op-ed piece went live on CNN by a young evangelical author...
Now on the Red Carpet: Rachel Held Evans Margot Starbuck August 12, 2013 General, Theology, Women 11 Named one of Christianity Today’s “50 Women to Watch, ” Rachel Held Evans — the author of "A Year of Biblical Womanhood" — is a popular blogger.
Should Christian Women Color Their Hair? On Dissatisfaction, Cultural Conformity, and Battling the Inner Barbie Jenny Rae Armstrong April 18, 2013 General 15 BY: JENNY RAE ARMSTRONG -- As I examined my new hairstyle in the bathroom mirror, I wound up examining my head and my heart as well...
A Year of Biblical Womanhood: Playful, Earnest God-Wrestling with Rachel Held Evans Morgan Guyton November 10, 2012 General 13 BY: MORGAN GUYTON -- As an evangelical Christian growing up in the deep South, Rachel Held Evans was surrounded...
On Rachel Held Evans and Why “Vagina-gate” Matters Christian Piatt October 19, 2012 General 21 BY: CHRISTIAN PIATT -- Yes, a Christian book with the word “vagina” in it. That’s what the fuss is all about. And because...
Young Adults: Forget Church, Follow Jesus Christian Piatt April 14, 2012 General 12 Two recent articles grabbed my attention, partly because they resonate quite a bit with the pieces I’ve written about Why Young Adults Leave Church. It’s also interesting to me that so many people seem to be t...