What’s Next for the Poor People’s Campaign? Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove June 24, 2020 General, Politics, Practical Justice How can we remake America so that “We the People” means all of us?
The 5 Biggest Lies of Modernity Yaholo Hoyt October 24, 2013 Church Life, General, Theology 64 OCT 24, 2013 | BY: YAHOLO HOYT -- Modernity is a way of thinking that is becoming more and more outdated. However, as the recent...
Now on the Red Carpet: Jim Wallis Margot Starbuck October 14, 2013 General 2 OCT 14, 2013 | BY: MARGOT STARBUCK -- Jim Wallis, longstanding friend of Red Letter Christians and the president of Sojourners, believes...
News Flash: Christians Don’t Have All the Answers Micah Bales October 6, 2013 Church Life, General 16 OCT 6, 2013 | BY: MICAH BALES -- The good news about the missional mindset is that none of us need to have all the answers to start...
Memorial Day and the Sacrificed Craig M. Watts May 27, 2013 General 13 May 27, 2013 | BY: CRAIG M. WATTS -- There is much talk about sacrifice at this time a year. Much of it is misleading. Without...
Are You Lonely? Micah Bales May 11, 2013 Church Life, General 5 May 11, 2013 | BY: MICAH BALES -- In a society where so often we are judged by our résumés, productivity, and reputation, unconditional...
Remembering Gordon Cosby, a Secret Legend Shane Claiborne March 22, 2013 General March 22, 2013 | BY: SHANE CLAIBORNE -- Gordon Cosby had big dreams, but he lived small. He didn’t write lots of books...
Is Choosing to Not Vote Selfish? Sheldon C. Good September 30, 2012 Politics 1 BY: SHELDON C. GOOD -- number of my Christian friends have been talking and writing about how they are not going to vote in the...
How 9/11 has Shaped our Collective Struggle Sheldon C. Good September 12, 2011 General 141 The events of 9/11 retain a powerful grip on our collective consciousness. Nearly every American adult can answer “what were you doing during the attacks?” Personally and collectively, we’ve been profoundly...