For the past several weeks, many of us who believe that the economic values of the United States are broken, have watched Occupy Wall Street on the news with awe. There’s something about a nonviolent prote...
Last evening, President Obama made his long-awaited announcement on beginning withdrawal of the 103, 000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The president announced that 10, 000 of these troops will be withdrawn by...
Today is Pentecost. For 50 days, a group of 120 followers of Jesus waited. Their teacher, for whom they had left all they had, was now gone. Judas, one of their own, betrayed their master and then killed...
I very much appreciated all the good things that Lucy Bryan Green had to say about “The Family” in the June edition of Sojourners. “The Family” is the name that Jeff Sharlet gives to “The Fellowship, ” a loose...
On my personal blog, I traced my journey on the issue of homosexuality and explored the challenges of coalition-building. It’s from this place that I’ve been reading about the recent critique of Sojourners o...
There are reasons why Religious Right Evangelicals will continue to dominate religious discourse, not only in their own sector of the Christian community, but also in what transpires in mainline denominations...