There Is No ‘Other’ Morf Morford June 16, 2020 Politics, Practical Justice, Race Our options in life were never equal, never fair, and never related to merit or work ethic.
The Earth as My Neighbour Mick Pope March 15, 2020 Creation & Environment, General, Theology We are saved with our places and not from them as heaven comes to earth.
Thy Will Be Done Morf Morford August 13, 2019 Creation & Environment, Theology Human arrogance and self-destruction defines our history.
Please Care Morf Morford May 11, 2019 Creation & Environment, Practical Justice, Theology Caring may have a cost, but it is far less than not caring.
The Right to Life in Creation Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove February 27, 2019 Creation & Environment, Practical Justice, Theology To confess Jesus as Lord, then, is to confess that all creation is holy now.
We Are Not All There Is Lee Ann Pomrenke January 11, 2019 Creation & Environment, Politics, Practical Justice, Theology We need to check ourselves before we sacrifice everything on the altar of self-interest.
Six Ways Church Communities Can Be CreatureKind Sarah Withrow King July 25, 2018 Church Life, Creation & Environment, Theology There’s no need to separate creation care from people care or from our spiritual lives.
How Christians Can Protect Endangered Species Jim David May 18, 2018 Creation & Environment, Practical Justice, Theology We are called to not undo God’s handiwork.
How Might Easter Be Reinterpreted in Light of Climate Change? Brandon Ambrosino April 2, 2018 Church Life, Creation & Environment, Theology Easter is about God’s relationship with the whole world — not just human beings.
Super Bowl 2018: God Will Be Watching Richard Mouw February 2, 2018 General, Practical Justice, Theology While I was not ready to endorse the idea that God actively determines who the winner will be, I did not accept the view of those of my theological colleagues who insisted that God stays rather aloof from what goes on in football games.