7 Things White Christians Can Do to Address White Supremacy at Church
I’m convinced that the most important thing white Christians can do is to simply start somewhere. And to start somewhere local.
Radical Forgiveness and Ableism in the Church
While the disability experience is not a monolith, by & large caregivers and disabled people are familiar with the feeling of being excluded from environments that seemingly welcome their presence but not their belonging. And I have to wonder if our churches are not fully FOR the least among them first, then who are they really for?
This Book Will Be Banned
The manufactured hysteria about CRT and the 1619 Project puts any book that gives an honest accounting of racism at risk.
Is Pro-Life Evangelicalism Killing Adoptees?
Adoptive parents can build platforms and careers off adoption, but adoptees who circumvent the system, usually offering their emotional labor at no cost, receive backlash.
Hope for Hunger: We can Answer the Moral Call to End Malnutrition
I believe in our country's ability to boldly lead an effective global response to food security and adequate nutrition and this initiative offers a blueprint for faith-based and U.S. government action.
Seeking Wholeness: Moving Beyond the Abortion Debate
Maybe when we stop arguing over legality, we’ll be able to see the women and the children who are caught between the battle lines.
Women of Faith Can Help Advance Climate Justice
Even though I am not a climate scientist, I recognize that the climate crisis is an existential threat impacting all of creation. As a woman and a person of faith, I have a unique responsibility to act.
Kayla Craig is Resourcing Parents for These Times
For those worried about their kids in these days of active shooter drills and other unsettling events, Kayla Craig fearlessly opens doors into frightening scenarios. How do we pray about gun violence in schools? How do we talk to our kids about racism?
Good Fruit and Where We’ve Gotten It Wrong
LBGTQ youth from religious backgrounds are three times more likely to attempt suicide than their unchurched LGBTQ peers. This ought to be a wake up call for the church. This ought to be a siren.