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Three Cups of Truth

Last week I watched the "60 Minutes" expose on Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea. It felt like a punch in the gut, even if it's of the too familiar heroes-come-crashing-down variety. It must have f...
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Faith in a Time of Cholera

The litany of horrors somehow won't end: an earthquake kills 230, 000; 80 percent of people already living on less than $2 a day; cholera spreading with help from a hurricane and killing thousands so far. The...
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Embrace Your Crisis of Faith

A crisis of faith -- when you seriously question whether what you believe/how you see/what you're committed to is actually true -- is a good thing. It's not pleasant. It hurts. The ground goes wobbly. You may ...
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A Year Later – Haiti Earthquake

January 12 marks the one year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti that killed more than 230, 000 people. In addition to that initial loss of life, there has been dealing with the aftermath. On...
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One Year Later: A Prayer for Haiti

A Kindergarten Classroom Currently Being Rebuilt: Photo Courtesy of Haiti Partners Haiti Partners Prayer Loving God, We come to you, first, in silence. We mourn those who died one year ago today in the ear...