Prisons “Overwhelmingly Filled With People of Color”: Just or Unjust? Margot Starbuck March 3, 2014 Church Life, General, Race 12 MAR 3, 2014 | BY: MARGOT STARBUCK -- Broken family structure and the broken education system fail many of our children daily. However, society still...
Now on the Red Carpet: Helen Lee Margot Starbuck September 23, 2013 Church Life, General SEPT 23, 2013 | BY: MARGOT STARBUCK -- Red Letter Christians are convinced that Jesus-like neighbor-love was never meant to be...
Now on the Red Carpet: Bruce Reyes-Chow Margot Starbuck September 16, 2013 General, Race 5 SEPT 16, 2013 | BY: MARGOT STARBUCK -- Bruce Reyes-Chow, the former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church USA’s 218th General...
Now on the Red Carpet: Nancy Ortberg Margot Starbuck September 9, 2013 Church Life, General SEPT 9, 2013 | BY: MARGOT STARBUCK -- Today we’re chatting with Nancy Ortberg —author, speaker, consultant, wife and mother...
Now on the Red Carpet: Rachel Held Evans Margot Starbuck August 12, 2013 General, Theology, Women 11 Named one of Christianity Today’s “50 Women to Watch, ” Rachel Held Evans — the author of "A Year of Biblical Womanhood" — is a popular blogger.