Comments on: Churches Unite to Reverse Foster Care Wait List Staying true to the foundation of combining Jesus and justice, Red Letter Christians mobilizes individuals into a movement of believers who live out Jesus’ counter-cultural teachings. Sat, 09 May 2015 05:22:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Sat, 09 May 2015 05:22:00 +0000 This is very encouraging to read. I have been closely following issues around foster care and youth aging out without families. I most strongly feel that a great opportunity for the church is to support at risk families so children do not end up in foster care. I agree that being a foster parent is very difficult and not for everyone. We have just completed our home study to adopt children from foster care here in Canada and are anticipating a match soon. We currently have an autistic and globally delayed woman who aged out of foster care living with us as an adult in care. I have to say that going to church with her is a big challenge as she is disruptive and we get a lot of dirty looks and even people telling her to be quiet. I once brought a teen mom and her two boys to church and when we picked them up from Sunday school, we were told to never bring them back again because they were too wild. I understand that they are a handful, but I was so ashamed to stand there beside this girl I brought to church with the promise of hope and support and she gets turned away. These examples are from 3 different churches. We attend a church now that has more patience for difficult people but we need more churches with this open arms attitude to get involved with messy lives.

By: Widge Widge Thu, 07 May 2015 05:09:00 +0000 Yep the lack of responses to this article from certain elements shows where peoples hearts are. I am sorry for the lack of engagement here Jamie. Thanks for this lovely article.

By: Widge Widge Tue, 05 May 2015 11:23:00 +0000 Seems very quiet on this thread. It is a lovely article. Let me make a statement.
We should be praying that all couples and people should be allowed and able to adopt so that children will be brought up in family homes. No matter what their status. Amen?…..

By: Widge Widge Mon, 04 May 2015 17:18:00 +0000 Wow I was praying about adoption issues in the uk and this came up. What a fab organisation praise God for them. Adoption and fostering is a serious issue and the numbers are increasing. We pray the government does more to release and allow more carers and we pray more will get involved praise the Lord!

By: otrotierra Mon, 04 May 2015 17:05:00 +0000 Thank you for sharing.
