It’s What Didn’t Happen that Matters: On the Trial of the Murder of Ahmaud Arbery Mandy Thompson December 17, 2021 Practical Justice, Race And because of this, they trusted Dunikoski with a kind of trust that is often only extended to those closest to us—family—and called her Auntie to prove it.
Protest, Prophecy, and Defunding the Police Jennifer Butler June 18, 2020 Global, Politics, Race Progress can be made as long as we continue to listen to the cries of those in the streets.
I’ve Had Enough of #Solidarity Veronica Gilliard May 28, 2020 General, Practical Justice, Race Are we really in this together?
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words Alex Gee May 24, 2020 Politics, Practical Justice, Race If we don’t want two Americas, two societies, then we can’t continue to have two sets of rules.
Why Racial Reconciliation Isn’t The Answer to Racial Violence Corey Leak May 21, 2020 General, Practical Justice, Race It’s wrong to hold the abused partner equally responsible for reconciling with the abuser
The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery Otis Moss III May 19, 2020 Peace & Nonviolence, Politics, Race Another live taken. Another public lynching. Another news story. Another act of recorded black death.
In the Era of Ahmaud, What Does Solidarity Have to Do With Jesus? Gigi Khanyezi May 17, 2020 General, Practical Justice, Race The reality is, centuries and generations of witnessing Black flesh disemboweled in our streets has socialized our conscience to accept it as normal.
Black People Are Tired RLC Editor May 14, 2020 General, Peace & Nonviolence, Race Black people are so tired.
Stare Racism in the Face Michelle Reyes May 13, 2020 General, Practical Justice, Race We need to stare racism in the face and boldly change the future to ensure horrors like Arbery’s killing are less likely to happen again.
Three Ways Your Church Can Combat the Incarnation of ‘Race’ Ryan Kuja May 11, 2020 Church Life, General, Race Individual churches have a responsibility to become aware of our complicity in that which undermines abundant life for all.