Here’s your invitation to join others who are creating innovative ways to be a difference and make a difference in the turbulent 2024 and beyond that reflect the ways of Jesus.
Will you join us?
I’m looking forward to getting acquainted with you, and your Red Letter Friends, and to learning more about your ideas for Jesus-rooted change-making in the turbulent new decade of the 2020s.
Dwight J. Freisen and I are both very grateful for Shane Claiborne’s kind endorsement for our book, 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change.
“Tom Sine & Dwight J Freisen invite us to reimagine the world and begin building the kind future that God wants for us and the world. Dig in and join the revolution.” ~Shane Claiborne
2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change is designed as a study book with questions at the end of each chapter to enable followers of Jesus to prepare for these rapidly changing times. Fortress Press has just reduced the price to $5 dollars per book.
I am making a special offer to Red Letter Christians and am offering to provide a Free Zoom visit for any Red Letter Group that does a study of 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change.
Foresight in terms of creating new opportunities, new ways to follow Jesus in response to new challenges that their members of their family, friends, and neighbors are likely to encounter in the rapidly changing 2020s.
In 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change. Tom & Dwight invite us to join other followers of Jesus who are using this book in group studies to: anticipate and to address new opportunities and challenges we are likely to face in 2024 and the next decade of accelerating change. Here are the three steps you will find offered in 2020s Foresight:
Step 1: Anticipating
Learning how to anticipate new opportunities & challenges you, and those you care about, are likely to encounter in the future. Then we encourage you to do active research like urban planners so you can help find the best responses for you, your family, friends both at church and in your neighborhood, so they too have time to respond.
Step 2: Reflecting
Learning from urban planners how to actively research a broad range of innovative ways to respond to the new challenges & opportunities to expand your range of options for you, those in your family, but also for friends at church and in your neighborhood locally and globally.
Step 3: Innovating
Learning to select those new innovative responses that most clearly reflect the ways of Jesus…which is always central for Red Letter Christians.
As we race into the turbulent 2024 and beyond, we are waking up to a new reality of accelerating change. Shane Claiborne urges us to see 2024 as a time of opportunity to share the good news of Jesus in tangible ways like joining Christians who are planting orchards, beating guns into garden tools, building homes for the homeless, and reaching out to all of our neighbors in ways that reflect Jesus’ teachings. This is the unique ministry of Red Letter Christians and other affiliated ministries.
As mentioned above, I am making a unique offer to Red Letter Christians or to your churches. If you have a group that becomes involved in a study of 2020s Foresight, I will offer to join your group for a 2-hour Zoom visit after you have gotten into your study, at no charge to you or your group.
I am looking forward to learning about your creative ideas of ways to both be a difference and make a difference that reflects the ways of Jesus. I will also share some other creative ideas Christine and I have come across. Contact me and tell me about your book study group and your ideas.
We invite you, our Red Letter Christians friends, to join other Christians that are anticipating new challenges and opportunities we are likely to encounter in 2024 during this decade of accelerating change. We are particularly interested in the innovative ways you and your members are creating to live and to help others make a difference in response to new challenges facing Gen Next and your neighbors locally and globally. We are interested in innovative new ways you are finding, like many in Gen Next, to make a difference that reflects the ways of Jesus instead of the seduction of Instagram envy and other distractions of this transient world.
Just a bit about my wonderful wife Christine and myself. I’m Tom Sine, and you can read a bit more about me in my bio. I have dedicated my career to empowering followers of Jesus. I am particularly a fan of Gen Y & Z and now Alpha Gen.
I find a higher percentage of Gen Next care deeply about environmental, racial, and economic justice. I have discovered also that many of them are eager to work with churches to make a difference in their neighborhoods and particularly some of the neediest parts of our struggling world like Haiti where I worked for 7 years. Shane and I go back to when we were both younger lads doing some engaging sessions with a new generation of Christians way back then. We need more Christians of all ages to connect to the new “Good News Generations”!
Christine and I have also had the delight of hosting Shane when he has come to Christian conferences in Seattle. Christine has a very active global website on prayer and spirituality: Her most recent book is The Gift of Wonder.
Christine was an Australian doctor in her former life, and she was also the first doctor to head up Mercy Ships for 7 years before we were married. These days we live in an ancient house we call “Mustard Seed House”. Our home has three separate 2-bedroom apartments that we share with 2 young couples. We share a meal with a faith reflection once a week and we also share the produce from our productive garden.
May God inspire your dreaming and innovating as we race into this rapidly changing new decade in ways that reflect the teachings of Jesus.
I am looking forward to getting acquainted with you, your innovative ideas and your Red Letter Group and your response to 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change. I am particularly looking forward to hearing about your creative responses to the new opportunities and challenges you are likely to encounter in 2024 and beyond.
Tom Sine 206-307-7998
Mustard Seed House
Seattle Washington